Monday, January 12, 2009

It's a hard knock life!

So... we were at my brother's house watching the Titan's playoff game (yeah, I know, but we're not here to talk about that sad, sad game) and the kids were running around like kids usually do when there was an unfortunate incident.  While none of us actually witnessed the event we know there was a slip/trip/crash/collision and well, here's the result:

I don't blame Thomas and Summer for being freaked out, it was a pretty sizable bump.  Luckily my husband (who was a PE teacher in a previous life and saw his fair share of knocked noggins) assured them that it was not as bad as it looked and Daniel would be just fine.  Sure enough, within five minutes he was jumping on the bed and running around as if it never happened.  It just goes to show that the whole "kids are resilient" rumor is actually true!

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